I'd like to tell you about ‘Maggie’, a woman who lives with her four dogs in a van, after having to leave her home. Two of the dogs are elderly, an incredible 19 and 17 years old.
She knows that no-one will care for her dogs like she does if she surrenders them, and if she does give them up, they are unlikely to be rehomed. And so she makes it work. These animals are her life.
Sadly she’s not the only person we’re helping in similar situations.
As you may be aware the numbers of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness have been rising across Australia. Tent communities are popping up all over the place. Soaring housing costs and family violence are key drivers along with sudden life changes.
Homelessness is not just a people problem, it’s also one for pets. People experiencing hard times are struggling with the costs of caring for their pets and unable to find affordable accommodation that will take their pets while they get back on their feet.
Surrendering their pets to a pound is a last resort, but is sometimes unavoidable. Pets are being surrendered in record numbers. This is a devastating outcome for both people and animals.
Through community outreach, we offer assistance to people struggling to meet the basic needs of their pets. Your help can keep pet food and other essential supplies reaching those in need.
With so many people struggling at this time of year we know a little bit of help can make a big difference to keeping people and their loved pets together.
We believe that no person should have to give up their loved pet due to hardship. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help some of the most vulnerable people build better lives for them and and their pets.
Yours sincerely,
The Head Over Hooves Team