We don't often get to meet the recipients of the pet supplies and services we provide to community centres. So it was great when the staff at Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre took the time to write to us about a man and his dog - to show how your support is making a difference to lives of people and pets in need.
Here's their story.
A homeless man, and his beloved elderly dog, came to our centre one extremely hot day asking for a meal and a drink. Both were hungry and very thirsty as he had purchased a car (for them to live in) leaving him with no money.
A support worker was able to provide food and aid to enable the purchase of a portable gas cooker and other essential items he needed. She was also able to provide pet food specifically for older dogs and other dog products to make his companion animal more comfortable.
The man was very grateful for the help, especially as he said he had felt very lightheaded having not eaten for several days. He cried when given the food and other items for his dog, saying he had not been eating regularly because he had spent the last of his money on his dog.
We were able to provide this extra assistance for his animal because of the collaboration with Head Over Hooves - a Northern Rivers charity that works to help vulnerable animals in need and to keep people and pets together during challenging times.
Community Capacity Worker
Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre